
Meet Josefin Svedin!

Meet Josefin Svedin!

Originally from Sweden and ending up in Aberdeen by chance as well as studying her degree by chance, it’s safe to say things always work out for a reason and we were lucky to have Josefin join the team just over a year ago. She’s not only made her mark as a great UX/UI designer but also as a great source of ‘random’ facts.

To get to know Josefin a little more and find out what she gets up to in a day of being a UX/UI designer, read our interview below…

1. It’s been just over a year since you joined the Arnlea team, what’s been your most memorable moment so far?Tough question, I have so many! But in the top tier must be one of many team activities we have done so far. Being such a small team, bonding and friendship is of utmost importance to be able to come together and create a high-quality product, but also have fun while doing so.

2. What’s been your biggest challenge while working at Arnlea?My biggest challenge while working at Arnlea has probably been jumping straight into the creation of a new product and finding my own role as a designer.

3. Can you describe a typical day as a UX/UI designer?A typical day as a UX/UI designer is very varied depending on what phase of a project you are in, but I always start my day by browsing the “world wide web” for a while to keep track of the latest trends and to find inspiration. Then I begin with my list of tasks of the day, love a good list.

4. What made you get into the field of UX/UI design?It was by “accident”! I did not get into my first university choice, multimedia – and went with the second choice, Interaction design. At that point, I had never even heard about the term, but it had the word “design” in it and that was enough for me at the time. I realised quickly that Interaction design was a much better fit for me, a perfect combination of design, technology, and psychology!

5. What do you enjoy most about your role?I enjoy the flexibility of pace, identifying problems and try my absolute best to solve them. If I could create my own title, it would be to be a “professional scrutiniser” - and UX design comes pretty close to that!

6. You are originally from Sweden, what brought you to Aberdeen?I decided to apply for Erasmus exchange studies and remember sitting in school, browsing the pamphlet, and turning the page onto something that looked like Hogwarts and decided there and then that’s where I am going! Hogwarts was Aberdeen University, and I was meant to be here for 6 months – it has now been 6 years!

7. What do you miss most about home?Roads without potholes and speedy trains! But mostly my family and friends, cold Béarnaise sauce (!!!) and reliable summers.

8. Scottish food or Swedish food? I am sorry but I am going to have to go with Swedish food. Although Swedish and Scottish food has a lot in common, we even have our own version of Stovies called “Pyttipanna” but with a fried egg instead of the oatcakes. And our own version of haggis. What tips me over more towards Swedish cuisine is our love for cream and butter in cooking, we use a lot!

9. In your spare time what do you enjoy doing? I enjoy a quiet evening in the sofa playing my favourite video games, but I also love going out for gigs and any live music really! When creativity hits, I dabble in digital art of all kinds. I also spend a lot of time around horses when opportunity gives.

10. Where is your favourite place in the world? (Other than Scotland or Sweden!)I believe my favourite place in the world has yet to be explored, I am still at the conceptual stages! But the smell of horses would be a bonus.

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